RareFilmsOnDVD.Com provides rare, hard to find and out of print dvds. We are a small, dedicated company with over 15 years experience, based in New Jersey, serving a select community of patrons, domestically and internationally. We supply rare movie titles that were never available on dvd here in the U.S and out of print movie titles that are no longer available through retailers. All of our dvd titles are suitable and playable for all regions.
At RareFilmsOnDVD.Com, we are passionate about movies. We watch them. We love them. We acquire rare movie gems from the Golden Age of Hollywood, independent features, television productions--from both the U.S. and abroad--that you might think are "lost"and unavailable. We acquire our rare titles by having connections directly with inside studio contacts within the film industry's archives and occasionally from major private movie collectors here and abroad.
RareFilmsOnDVD.Com is not an e-commerce retailer, but a film industry based service that serves as a bridge between the studios and serious movie collectors. Our prices are solely based on the cost of postage and production.
Important: Most of the films available on this site have fallen into the public domain and do not infringe on any intellectual property rights. All of our titles are provided from our inside studio contacts, and have been manufactured from the best-quality master print currently available at the studio archives and have not been remastered or restored for our rare DVD titles (unless indicated in the listing that it is from a remastered source).
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